It has been a topic for debate what age do girls stop growing taller. And there has been no definite answer to this question until now because some say that girls stop growing at the age of 14-16, the age where they are most likely to end their puberty while some say that growth starts to dwindle 2-3 years after the onset of the first menstruation period. The reason for this is because no individual is alike in terms of genes, dietary pattern, exercise regimens, sleeping patterns, and lifestyles, etc. All of these factors play a role in prolonging or shortening an individual’s growth period.

In terms of genes, you can never do anything about this. This is dependent on what genes you have inherited from both of your parents. If both of your parents are tall, then you have a higher chance that you will grow tall as well but not all are the same because you have to consider also the dominant versus recessive genes that are present.

Stretching exercises do help a lot in adding an inch or two to your height. It does not only strengthen your back and stomach muscles which in turn relieve some of the compression in your spinal discs but it also improve your posture. Remember, slouching lets you lose some inches in height.

Proper diet includes fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy and the right vitamins and minerals that would help enhance bone growth and muscle strength. Poor nutrition hinders proper growth development. Being healthy and having a good immune system will help you prevent acquiring diseases that would delay growth development like hypothyroidism, kidney problems, etc.

Growth hormones are produced and released when an individual is at rest and that means a good sleeping pattern or sleeping for 8-11 hours. Living a healthy lifestyle free of stress and growth-stunting factors are highly recommended because this can also affect your growth and development.

These are just a few of the many natural ways that you can do to continue growing beyond your puberty years. You just need to have the drive to reach your height goal and maintain a healthy life.